Posts from the ‘Chit-chat’ Category

Wordless Wednesday: My Little Climber

Wordless Wednesday: Walt Disney Concert Hall

No matter how many times I shoot at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, for weddings, portraits or otherwise, I always seem to find a new angle that blows my mind. It’s also a pretty amazing place to hear the symphony. Love….


Features and More Features, plus The Knot Best of 2011!

I have all sorts of exciting news to report! I am thrilled to share that Boutwell Studio, for the fourth year in a row, was named Best of Weddings by The Knot Magazine.

We were also featured last month in both the National and Southern California editions of The Knot Magazine.  Congrats to Julie and Bill, who got married at Terranea Resort in Palos Verdes last November –

And happy wedding to Grace, who’s lovely bridal shower, designed by Jeannie Savage of Details, Details, was also featured –

Thanks to The Knot for letting me share my work with its readers, and to my wonderful clients who nominated me for The Best of Weddings!


2010 Favorites – Details

Oh how I love the little things! As if shooting people in love isn’t enough, I also get to see and photograph some of the most beautiful shoes, dresses, hairpieces, flowers and tablescapes around. I always set aside some time to photograph these little, often-missed details because I know how much time and thought my clients put in to choosing them.

Here are my favorite wedding details of 2010…

2010 Favorites – Wedding Moments

Although I love to shoot portraits on the wedding day, I consider myself more of a hands-off photographer.  I am most in my element when standing back, observing quietly and capturing those little, unexpected moments that occur at weddings. Here are my 2010 favorite images, capturing wedding moments…

Whatever Package You Come In….

I once heard a phrase that literally changed my outlook on life in a split second.  It changed how I view myself, my friends and family, and life’s little (and big) challenges.
“Whatever package you come in, put a bow on it.”

This quote is simple, it’s cute, and for anyone who knows my love for a good dot and a bow, it is utterly ME.  It stands for looking on the bright side, seeing the best in others and being the best people we can be, inside and out.

Fast forward to last month, when I received a call that Scout’s newborn screening test came back positive for an organic acid disorder. My perfect, 5 day old baby girl, Scout, was not so perfect after all.  In a whirlwind of days, we learned that Scout has a rare metabolic disorder called 3MCC Deficiency, that she is at risk for many complications, and that she will always require vigilant care and a very strict diet.

Upon hearing the news, I wish I could say that I immediately looked on the bright side.  I wish I was the kind of person who stood at the bottom of this very long, very uphill road and thought, “make lemonade.” But I’m just not.  Instead, I wallowed, and worried and fretted for weeks. And then I remembered my quote:
“Whatever package you come in, put a bow on it.”
At that moment, I realized that I can’t control what happens to Scout in the future, but I vowed to enjoy her TODAY.

As I got her and Maxfield dressed last week for our annual visit to see Santa, I realized how perfect her little dress was; it was not only perfect for the occasion, but for our particular place in life right now. A dot and a bow, for one of the most precious gifts (and challenges) the universe has ever given me.

Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday filled with many gifts and a very happy new year…


To learn more about 3MCC and other Organic Acid Disorders and to help make screening mandatory, visit:
-Organic Acidemia Association
– Bailey Baio Angel Foundation
-Save Babies Babies Through Screening Foundation

Fogged In….

I know, I know, I know….. I’ve been neglecting the blog lately.  Between a newborn, an almost-two-year-old and the holidays, I’ve been a little distracted lately.  I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep, lack of actual work to keep me busy (maternity leave is a double-edged sword, you know) or just me selfishly relishing in mommyhood for the second time, but my brain just hasn’t been in photography mode. I suppose you could say I’ve been in a bit of a fog lately, which makes this little shot, snapped yesterday afternoon in foggy Ladera Ranch, all the more appropriate.


Welcome Baby Scout!

I am so excited to share that Doug and I have welcomed a brand new baby Girl to our family.  Scout Rose Boutwell was born on November 11, 2010 at 12:10 pm.  She was 8 lbs, 1 oz and 20″ long.  We are totally smitten with her sweet disposition and her adorable little dimples.

A couple of photos of our sweet little one….

We are all doing well and enjoying some “down time” with our darling Maxfield and his new baby sister.  Of course, you can expect lots more pictures as these two little ones continue to grow.


Maxfield Goes Prehistoric – Happy Halloween!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, since it involves copious amounts of sugar and no obligation to give or receive gifts.  Second to Thanksgiving (which involves copious amounts of salt and butter!), Halloween is my favorite holiday.  I had such an awesome time celebrating with Maxfield this year.  He is the perfect age – old enough to get excited about candy and dressing up, but young enough that I still get to choose his costume 🙂

A few from our trip to the pumpkin patch –

Max and his best friend, Wyatt –

And one from last night after trick or treating –


My *other* creative outlet… Scout Rose’s Nursery!

Ok, I know this blog is dangerously teetering on Mommy Blog territory…. I PROMISE I do still have lots of weddings to share.  I had this very strange lull in August (no weddings for 5 weeks!) but, rest-assured, I still have several weddings to shoot before my maternity leave and there are plenty more girls in white dresses coming your way 😉

In the meantime, and during my August mini-maternity leave, I have been working on the nursery for our newest addition, baby Scout Rose.  Baby girl and her nursery are just about ready…

And special thanks to my darling husband, who did all the painting and furniture-moving and nodding and smiling through the whole process.  I love you babe 😉


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