I once heard a phrase that literally changed my outlook on life in a split second.  It changed how I view myself, my friends and family, and life’s little (and big) challenges.
“Whatever package you come in, put a bow on it.”

This quote is simple, it’s cute, and for anyone who knows my love for a good dot and a bow, it is utterly ME.  It stands for looking on the bright side, seeing the best in others and being the best people we can be, inside and out.

Fast forward to last month, when I received a call that Scout’s newborn screening test came back positive for an organic acid disorder. My perfect, 5 day old baby girl, Scout, was not so perfect after all.  In a whirlwind of days, we learned that Scout has a rare metabolic disorder called 3MCC Deficiency, that she is at risk for many complications, and that she will always require vigilant care and a very strict diet.

Upon hearing the news, I wish I could say that I immediately looked on the bright side.  I wish I was the kind of person who stood at the bottom of this very long, very uphill road and thought, “make lemonade.” But I’m just not.  Instead, I wallowed, and worried and fretted for weeks. And then I remembered my quote:
“Whatever package you come in, put a bow on it.”
At that moment, I realized that I can’t control what happens to Scout in the future, but I vowed to enjoy her TODAY.

As I got her and Maxfield dressed last week for our annual visit to see Santa, I realized how perfect her little dress was; it was not only perfect for the occasion, but for our particular place in life right now. A dot and a bow, for one of the most precious gifts (and challenges) the universe has ever given me.

Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday filled with many gifts and a very happy new year…


To learn more about 3MCC and other Organic Acid Disorders and to help make screening mandatory, visit:
-Organic Acidemia Association
– Bailey Baio Angel Foundation
-Save Babies Babies Through Screening Foundation