I have been looking forward to shooting Jen and Patrick’s engagement session ever since they booked me. We actually never met before Wednesday, but I could tell, from chatting with Jen, that this couple was delightfully rad. And I wasn’t disappointed. Jen and Patrick are a super-cool-beans couple and I can’t wait to shoot their wedding in October! Ok… enough chit-chat – let’s see some pics.

Jen and Patrick have awesome chemistry. This was about 10 frames in to the session, and they were already naturals!

Admittedly, I shot this to show off Jen’s bitchin’ shoes –

I think this is so crazy-romantic-

This was right before some disheveled looking lawyer walked by and made fun of us for not shooting in a park 🙂 (He’s probably just jealous that I was having a better day at work than him…)

To Jen and Patrick: Thanks for an awesome time! I can’t wait for the wedding!