Okay, so I was taping up the light leaks on the bellows of my 50 year old 8×10 camera today, when I realized I never shared the photos I shot of it a while back. As a disclaimer, I don’t seek out ugly photo gear – it finds me. Or else I buy it looking pretty and end up thrashing it because I’m hard on my stuff. Whichever…
Anyway, I know this may well be the ugliest large format camera in existence, but I don’t give a crap. It’s all mine, I got it for a bargain, and the 14″ Commercial Ektar that’s mounted to the front of it kicks some ass.
So just to be silly, here are photos of my latest toy:
the 3/4 view:

Me attempting to do the serious “photographer with his tool” photo ala Denis Reggie

And the view through the ground glass (I swear I get just a little giddy every time I see a photo all framed up and ready to go on a GG that big – 4×5 is soooooo for wusses)